Health is holistic, and factors in all aspects of your life.
Staying on top of your wellbeing doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach. Small, manageable steps can make all the difference in the long run. With this in mind, we’ve found a few small things you can do to maintain your health and wellbeing.
Move Well: Improve your wellness in only two-minutes
It’s well known that exercise can destress and improve your mood, but you don’t have to run a marathon to feel the positive effects on your wellbeing. If you’re finding it hard to squeeze in the recommended 2.5 hours of moderate activity each week, don’t stress. Studies1 have shown that even adding a two-minute walk every hour during the day can positively impact your health. This could look like walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water or even a quick lap of the office.
Think Well: Setting realistic goals may increase your wellbeing
The power of positive thoughts on your mood are well known. However, being a realist may lead to a greater sense of long-term wellbeing. One study2 found that when it comes to happiness, those who overestimate positive outcomes reported lower levels of wellbeing when compared to those who set realistic expectations. It’s still important to keep those negative thoughts at bay – the study also found that the wellbeing of those with positive thoughts still trumped those with negative thoughts. Realists also came out on top when compared to pessimists, dispelling the common assumption that having low expectations limits disappointment. To put more positive self-talk into action, try choosing more positive words and thinking of one thing you’re grateful for each day.
Eat Well: An escape to the country could improve your diet
It’s not uncommon for people to think that eating well is a chore. However, a 2022 study3 found that people who felt more connected to nature were more likely to have a diverse diet with a higher fruit and vegetable consumption. This could mean that a trip to the country could have you naturally choosing a carrot over a croissant. Don’t have time for a country escape? Even opting to sit in the park during lunch may help you feel more connected to nature, which has its own benefits like cognitive flexibility, better memory and more.
Plan Well: The importance of following up on your GP appointment
It may be all too easy to skip or forget to follow up on a GP appointment but keeping to a schedule could improve your overall wellbeing. A study4 found that missing GP appointments is associated with premature death from non-natural causes, with those who have long-term mental health conditions being most at risk. A small way to keep on top of your appointments is to schedule a follow-up appointment before you leave the clinic or set a reminder on your phone for when your next check-up should be. This way, you can protect your future wellbeing, all while enjoying the satisfaction of ticking something off your to-do list. You can also get to know your health more by completing relevant health checks and earning rewards for being active on the AIA Vitality app.