Sarah talks about how we are not taught these days to feel our feelings. What is our anxiety telling us and what are ways we can not just fix the problem, but help us hold space and learn from the full human experience?
Yes the world has its challenges, but deep down that sense of despair and disconnection is ironically the thing that unites us the most – the reality is, we are feeling that same itch for a new way of living. Sarah gives us some practical advice on how we can use our anxious feelings to open our eyes to how we got here as well as some amazing practices to help us all reconnect again with both ourselves and the world at large:
1. Step outside your comfort zone.
Do what scares you and embrace discomfort daily.
2. Buy less, live more
Break the cycle of mindless consumption and in cutting back, get light with your life.
3. Pick up a book again
Deep reading is such a powerful practice to light up intellect and reconnect with empathy with the people around you.
4. Hiking.
Get outside and walk in nature, it helps us reconnect with ourselves, and with our true purpose.
5. Practise activism together
An amazing fact: if 3.5% of a population participate in a movement towards sustained, non-violent protest, change happens. We can be part of the change that help us create a better world.
6. Listen to this podcast with Sarah.
She is a world-renowned author with a beloved following in New Zealand and by talking about her book “This one wild and precious life” she gives us a much needed sense of hope and walks us all through how we can get back to feeling connected and move towards a sense of wholeness that has been lacking in our world for so long.
This has been an incredibly challenging time for us all, we have been looking out for each other and building a community over the last two years. We at WellBeings want to celebrate all the benefits of how connection can be the most important thing we can all do for our wellbeing in the future.
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